Individual Registration
When and Where
  • July 23-26, 2023
  • Sheraton Raleigh Hotel
  • 421 S. Salisbury Street
  • Raleigh
  • NC

The 2023 State & Provincial Police Planning Officers Section (SPPPOS) and Academy Directors Section (SPPADS) joint meeting discusses critical issues in state and provincial police agencies. 

The State & Provincial Police Academy Directors Section (SPPADS) is dedicated to advancing the principles and competency of professional law enforcement instructors. The State and Provincial Police Planning Officers Section (SPPPOS) gives state and provincial police agencies a forum for information exchange, and access to the latest policies and best practices, with a focus on topics, needs, and challenges of interest to law enforcement agencies. 

This joint meeting encourages collaboration between sworn and civilian research and planning members as well as academy directors and instructors to exchange ideas, methods, practical experience, and to discuss critical issues. SPPADS and SPPPOS members will have their own sessions as well as joint sessions to discuss any topics that overlap with policy, planning, and training.